Saturday, March 21, 2009

Praise the Lord for Lucy's

We started the day off in Hangzhou. Again, we had breakfast at the hotel. After that we got in the van to go to the airport. Our flight was delayed after we got in the plane. We had to say out on the run-way for 20 minutes before we took off. Maelin was very good the whole time. By the way, she snacked the whole 45 minute ride to the airport and pretty much the whole flight as well. I think she is going to want to eat when she is nervous. She was not happy when we left the hotel. She knew we were leaving, and it wasn't until about an hour ago that she came out of her shell again. Our flight was bumpy the whole way to say the least. The fasten seatbelt sign never went off for the 2 hour flight. Maelin had to go potty while on the flight, so we had to disobey that rule. I didn't eat on the flight because I wasn't feeling well, but God is good. We made it to Guangzhou. Guangzhou is not nearly as beautiful as Hangzhou, but it is nice. Our hotel is much better though. Once we checked into our room, our guide took us and another family from Iowa on a tour around the area of our hotel. She showed us different restaurants, shops, a convience store, and a place where we can get some fruit for Maelin. After the tour, the other family wanted to go eat at "Lucy's." It is an American style bar and grill. After we ate, the general concensus at the table was "Praise the Lord for Lucy's." The food was good and just what our western tummies needed. Maelin had steamed rice and a fruit salad. Kala had a club sandwich and fries. I had a cheeseburger and fries. Kala and Lori, the mom from the other family, are going to go get massages at a massage place not far from here after the kids go to sleep. I hope Maelin doesn't wake up while mama is gone, because she will scream until mama gets back. I don't have any pictures of Guangzhou yet, but I have a few from the ride to the airport in Hangzhou. I have added pictures of the beautiful medians along the road, and of the stop light. The stop lights count down so you know how much time you have. Great idea! I also got a picture of some of the homes that I talked about earlier. They are 3 and 4 story single family homes. Oh yeah, I have included a few of Maelin as well. Rylan and Keelan, we miss and love you very much. I am sorry we didn't get to talk to y'all on the phone this morning. We will try again tomorrow. Have a good weekend, and be good in school next week! Wreck 'em TECH! Sorry about the spelling. Spell check is not working at the moment.


  1. I like the stop lights that countdown...that is a great idea.

    I like Maelin's red raider shirt even more....ha. Got to start them early right?

    Be safe!

  2. We simply MUST get that girl some BURNT ORANGE attire when she gets home. I certainly don't want her to be led astray at such an early age. I'll have her singing "The Eyes of Texas" in no time!
