Wednesday, March 11, 2009

And We're Off

Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers! They are needed and felt. We are very fortunate to have the support of our friends and family.

The day started off early in Denver City and we ended up in San Francisco with stops along the way in Lubbock, Albuquerque, and Phoenix. After we got settled into our hotel, we looked for a restaurant on yelp. We found a seafood restaurant that we wanted to try in San Mateo. We took the 7 mile taxi ride to the restaurant, Kingfish. Their motto: "Eat like a king, Drink like a fish." Well, we did the first, and not the last. It was a great dinner. We followed the meal with a movie, "Taken" at the theatre behind the restaurant. The movie was pretty good too-a great way to celebrate Kala's birthday! Now we are back at the hotel to settle in for a good nights rest. (Yeah, right)

Please continue to pray for us and Maelin. We are just beside ourselves--this is really happening!!! :) When we get to Beijing, we will update ASAP. Until then, God bless.