Friday, March 13, 2009

Morning Sickness

Kala was all excited that our third child would not cause any morning sickness. (or so she thought) Kala got sick during the landing and used the famouse puke bag located in the seat-back pocket. In her defense, the "landing" was more like a semi-controlled fall; but God has a sense of humor. The flight to that point was great. We got a little stiff, but it was better than I anticipated.

Upon arrival, we went through customs and met our guide outside of baggage claim. She had a van ready that took us and two other couples to our hotel. After we checked-in, she led us to McDonald's and Wu-Mart.

We bought some bottled water and snacks at Wu-Mart then back to the hotel. We ate dinner at a restaurant in the hotel-well, Kala ate. I took one bite and that was enough! The China diet begins. My part, try new stuff, and don't complain if I don't like it. We are here to have a wonderful time, and I am going to try and not be negative about anything-including food. :)

Now we are back in our room about to call it a night. After all, we have been awake for over 21 hours straight.

Rylan and Keelan, we love you and miss you very much. We are soooooo sorry that y'all are sick with the flu. Gramzie, we are sorry to leave you with sick kids.

The picture below is the view out of our hotel window.


  1. Awww...poor Kala! And poor Keke and Rylan! Hope everyone feels better very, very soon.
    Have fun exploring! Make sure and take lots of pictures to show us that will probably never see it with our own eyes!
    Only a few more days now! Can't wait to see you with your little girl!

  2. Saw Sarina's note on Facebook. Have a safe trip.

  3. Make sure when you are in Hangzhou you go to the "dumpling place" and the place with the fish tanks in the floor. Their food is awesome. However at the dumpling shop do NOT watch the lady behind the counter cutting the meat. Gross! Best to look away! Hope everyone feels better soon.
    JoEllen B.

  4. Kala hope you get to feeling better soon. Hope you guys have a great time sightseeing and trying new foods.
